In-Person Classes to resume
As we remain guided by the Ministry of Health and Local Council Health Policies, we are thankful for the suspension of strict Covid-19 restrictions. The Alliance Française de Lusaka and it’s facilities recently had a full facility health assessment and was given a go-ahead to reopen to the public with a limitation to stipulated numbers.
You may be aware that from mid-October private courses and kids classes resumed with limited numbers allowed to physically attend classes at our premises, however, we are working to resume adults to full capacity once we have soluble measures in place. This means that some classes will continue to be held online until the holiday break.
We close for festivities from December 19th and reopen on January 4th, as normal, though the public will be kept informed on changes and developments as they occur via all communication mediums.
Physical classes will resume on January 11th, with the possibility of remaining online for those who prefer.