Kubelenga / Library
The Alliance Française de Lusaka has a fully fitted out library for both students and members. With just over 3,000 books in a 300 square meter space, the library can seat up to 30 people. We also have a Film corner with wireless headsets for up to 3 people .
Whether you want to study, look for information or have fun while learning, come over and enjoy this outstanding facility in a welcoming and truly contemporary space with Internet access in Kubelenga.
Our team will assist you in searching for documents and recommend works to read. The Media Library also serves as a special meeting place where events for children and adults are regularly held. Our Media Library houses thousands of physical documents in French, available for perusal as well as borrowing. Specialized French learning and teaching material is also a part of our collection. The Kubelenga digital library offers its members a selection of digital resources including newspapers and magazines. Only students and members of Alliance Française de Lusaka have borrowing privileges and access to the library: Kubelenga
Are you one of our students or an institution interested in using our library? What you need to do is join our library. And, it is easy and super fast. Kindly click your preferred membership option below and the form will download.
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Open Monday
9.00 – 13.00
Tuesday – Friday
8.30 – 17.30
Weekend & Public Holidays
For Your Reading!
La Patisserie
To treat family and friends, everyone wants to learn how to cook desserts. Patisserie is all the rage! As proof, there are even televised competitions to become France’s best pastry chef. Children are no exception to the rule, and love to be in the kitchen with their parents to concoct tasty cakes, or accompany them to the supermarket to choose cookies for the afternoon snack. The “P’tits Docs” therefore had to take a closer look at these sweet treats with their long history (pancakes, gingerbread and doughnuts were already being made in the Middle Ages) and present on every continent (gourmets are everywhere!). And why not create vocations? Bakers, pastry-makers, industrial manufacturers: timeless professions with an enticing vocabulary: shortcrust pastry, puff pastry, topping, milling, kneading. Mmm, what a delight!
Corps humain : Human body
How does blood circulate? What is digestion? Why do we grow? The compacts give you all the keys you need to understand your body.
À l’école du Grand Nord: School in the Far North
Mike Horn is a professional adventurer. He tackles the most remote lands, the most extreme terrain and the most difficult conditions. From his expeditions to the Amazon, the Arctic and around the equator, he has learnt lessons about survival, of course, but above all about life. And it’s these lessons that he wants his daughters to discover. Because in his eyes, a father must pass on a unique heritage to his children. Being a father means being a ferryman. And what better school than the Far North, where every gesture counts, where solidarity is the basis of survival, where human warmth fights every storm? Annika and Jessica are twelve and eleven years old. On the ice of Bylot Island, they cross crevasses and snow bridges, climb the peaks, set up camp and plan their routes. Mike keeps a watchful eye, of course, it’s dangerous, but he lets them take the initiative. In agreement with his wife Cathy, he wants them to make their own decisions. The school in the Far North is what every parent dreams of for their child. A school where a sense of effort, of sharing and of caring for others is passed on by necessity. A school that helps you become a better adult.